
Showing posts from October, 2017


        I was absent today because I was sick.

Life Expectancy

        Today in class we learned about life expectancy. In Monaco the average age that men live to is 85.63 and women live to 93.58. This is due to their wealthiness. Monaco has very good healthcare as well as a low infant mortality. In faint mortality is the amount of babies that die before their first birthday. In the U. S. A the average age that men live to is 77.2, while women live to the age of 81.97. In Chad the average age that mean live to is 48.64, and the age that women live to is 51.03. Women live longer because they tend to make smarter decisions, and have less reckless behavior. They also live longer because men usually do more labor intensive jobs such as a lumberjack, this is a more risky job that could easily cause injuries or death. We also learned that crude birth rate is the the number of births per 1000 of population. We had a great class.    

Class- 10.25.17

        Today in class we took our test. I was very nervous because this was our last grade before the end of the quarter. This meant I had to get a very good grade in order to keep my overall grade at an A. There were many questions that I saw on the test that I remembered from when we were reviewing. While on thee other hand, there were many questions that I did not remember reviewing. This included details about longitude and latitude. This also included a few other questions. The essay question took a lot of thought and effort, but I understood the concept I was writing about, even though it was difficult to write. I think this test was more challenging then the last one. I'm nervous to find out what score I got on my test because once it's in veracross there will be no assignments after, and I will have on way to bring up my grade before the end of the quarter.

Class- 10.24.17

      Today in class we went over what questions we thought should be on the test. This included  acting locally, thinking globally, and how this happens through helping the community locally it can benefit us globally through little things that can help with global warming and energy regaurding pollution, etc… We also were reminded that our cercadian cycle is your bodies mental and physical clock. In addition, we  remembered w hy it is important for geographers to research the culture of a region. It's so they know what their religions, society, and lifestyle is like, which defines what a place is. We  also   remembered that t he degree of the equator is zero. Also, culture is a complex concept because it has two meanings: to care  about, and to care of. Also, Russia is the largest land wise, while China is the biggest population wise. India is the second biggest, and U.S.A is the third biggest country, concerning populatio...

Class- 10.23.17

3 Questions I think should be on the test: 1. Which map is more accurate, Peter's or Mercator? Peter's map is more accurate. 2. Is America's primary language English? No. America does not have one. 3. What country has the highest population in the world? China.

Class- 10.17.17

        We started class as we also do with our prayer and attendance. We had a shadow student today and forgot to introduce at first, but we eventually remembered. We learned about globalization. Globalization means: thinking globally, acting locally. This means that by doing things locally you will influence things globally. Some examples of globilization is like using electric cars instead of gas cars, because this would help the environment and energy. You could also help globally through locally having your own garden. We also discussed voting and how it effects our future and country. We came to realized that many elderly people were voting, and they have already lived the majority of their lives. This is why more young people should be voting. Mr. Schick mentioned that he believes that we should be able to vote at 16. I disagreed with this because I think that most teenagers at that age are not experienced and well read in politics, and also not mature enough ...

Class- 10.12.17

        Today in class we started by taking attendance. We were back to our normal selves and were loud and not calm. This was probably because our class occurred during the day, and it was a Thursday. We the continued onto class. Everyone was surprised when Mr. Schick announced we had yet another quiz. I thought I would do well because I pay attention in class. Yet, I was completed wrong. When I saw the questions on the text I only remembered learning about some of them. I know I did not do very well on that. Then, Mr. Schick showed us the government website for the cia. He should us a very helpful tool called the factbook. It had lots of information on all the countries, including their population. For the rest of our class time we identified the twenty five most populated countries on a map, and will complete what we didn't finish for homework. We had a great, yet surprising class.

Class- 10.10.17

        Today in class we began as we always do, by taking attendance. After this we continued onto class. We were all unlike our normal selves and were very quiet, tired, and calm. This was most likely because it was our first mod of the day, as well as the first day back to school after a three day weekend. In class we learned about cultural regions. Each region is distinctive. Weather effects economy and culture through religion, trading supplies, and much more. The origin of the world culture is from the latin word cultus. It means to care for. There are two deeper reasons “to care for”. There is “to care about” which means to adore or worship something as in modern work culture. And there is “to care for” which means too nurse or look after something, as in the modern word culture. What makes people different is there ideas, beliefs, and values. In addition, most people are surprised when they realize there is no official language for America. We then went...

Class- 10.5.17

        Today in class we had a shorter class due to the powder puff game. Also, some athletes had to leave early because of sport commitments. Nevertheless we still had a great class. We learned about our circadian cycle. Your circadian cycle is your mental clock. It is what train your body to do. By waking up around the same time everyday, eating around the same time everyday, and much more, you body adjusts to its schedule. This is why we get jet lag when we travel somewhere far away, because are boy isn't used to a new schedule. Fleming proposed the idea of  a global clock in 1879. This meant that everyone in the entire world would follow the same clock. This means there would no longer be time zones. By the 1900's almost all time on earth was in time zones. In conclusion we had a mind-blowing class.  

Class- 10.4.17

        Today in class we started by taking attendance/saying hello. After that we went into our groups from last class. In our groups we completed the assignment that we couldn't finish last class. We spent about twenty minutes on this assignment. Our assignment was to divide the regions according to their similar characteristics. We divided or regions according to weather, politics (republicans/democrats), food interests, etc...Then each group shared what they found and considered a region, with the class. We then continued on with the class to discuss why Trump won the presidential election, when Hilary had more votes. We realized that although more people voted for her, Trump had more electoral votes. This was because Trump won more overall votes in critical areas in several of the key states. Despite everyones confusion, anger, and disagreement, this has already previously occurred. Trump's strategy was more effective. In the end, we had a beneficial class.

Class- 10.3.17

        Today in class we learned more about regions and cultural landscape. Regions are an area of earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics. For example, the love of crabs, the enthusiasm for the ravens, and much more. In addition, cultural landscape is a combination of both physical and human characteristics. The designation of region can refer any area larger than a point, as well as smaller than the entire planet. After learning  that we moved onto an activity with our choice of a group of three. We had to recognize and separate the regions that are similar and what not, in accordance of the elections. This was for the past few years of elections. We did this related to the republic and democratic sides. We established the similarities and differences between certain states and grouped them into what we saw to be regions. In the end, we had a great class.