Life Expectancy

        Today in class we learned about life expectancy. In Monaco the average age that men live to is 85.63 and women live to 93.58. This is due to their wealthiness. Monaco has very good healthcare as well as a low infant mortality. In faint mortality is the amount of babies that die before their first birthday. In the U. S. A the average age that men live to is 77.2, while women live to the age of 81.97. In Chad the average age that mean live to is 48.64, and the age that women live to is 51.03. Women live longer because they tend to make smarter decisions, and have less reckless behavior. They also live longer because men usually do more labor intensive jobs such as a lumberjack, this is a more risky job that could easily cause injuries or death. We also learned that crude birth rate is the the number of births per 1000 of population. We had a great class.    


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