West Civ Notes

        Today in class we learned about the Circus Maximus. The Circus Maximus was the largest stadium in the world. This phenomenal form of architecture was the go to place for all Roman citizens. This was the prime source of entertainment for all the plebs and and government officials. In order to reach the highest amount of entertainment, they would starve the animals, and get them annoyed before they released them to "battle" a gladiator or a criminal. I use the term battle loosely because it was not a fair match. I find it frankly unethical to find amusement through the killing of another human being. Additionally, Julius Ceaser came along. He had  triumvirate known as "the rule of three men". Caesar was known as an amazing leader because he made the common folks happy, and not just the rich aristocrats. We learned a lot today and had a great class.


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