Review for Test

       Today we took notes on what we would need to know for the upcoming test on Friday. 

508 BC
- born around 570 BC
                   - small settlement called Athens 
                   - this city he would soon rule the empire 
                   - the town was built around the acropolis, it was a stronghold
                   - citizens - athenians were farmers, no reading or writing, life expectancy was no more than 15 years. 
                   - the common athenians lived under the aristocrats
                   - aristocrat had the power, the country was driven by injustice
                   - citizens had no part or share in ANYTHING
                   - hardly seemed to be able to grow into an amazing empire
                   - physically was not great geographically to be able to thrive due to mountains and barely any rivers
                   - divided into own city states with their own culture 
                   - Greece = mountainous peninsula 
                   - thus they traded in order to survive
                   - There was one city-state that had military power.....Sparta 
                   - young spartan boys grew up to be warriors
                   - spartans lived a deprived, struggled life
                   - death was nothing to what they had to bare everyday
                   - spartans were ruthless
                   - this was the world of Cleisthenese grew up in
                   - yet he was the man who would set Greece to become a great empire 
                   - greek culture had mythology
                   - travels shared their tales for money
                   - Cleisthenes grew up hearing these tails
                   - Illiad and Odyssey 
                   - heroes are found all over greek art, war like figures were valiant and beautiful 
                   - Cleisthenes to these mythological tales to heart 
                   - ceasing control of the government, the control of power was called a tyrant, didn't have a negative connotation until modern times.
                   - Athens Greece was known for their olives and prospered through the trading and selling of this food
                   - and the olive oil they produced 
                   - art - potters - low class, scum of society 
                   - Hippias took over when father died (pesitras) , started well yet \ became modern definition of tyrant, when he was grieving over murder of his brother 
                  - Cleisthenes to tak over the tyrant Hippias, this was never done before
                  - olympics
                  - Cleis ceased power and yet people were conspiring against him
                  - aristocrats targeted new tyrant 
                 - households cast out including cleisthenes
                 - for the first time common, ordinary people rose up to overrule the aristocrats, and other rulers
                  - recalled cleisthenes to return to start new government 
                  - DEMOCRACY - a new system of government that would change the world
                  - unleashed culture and new ideas rulers would have never known

We had a great class. 


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