More about Greece

        Today in Wester Civ we learned more about Greece. We reviewed what we learned last class and then moved on to more information. Greek city-states developed and were very important. This occurred round 750 B.C. Greece had a varied climate. It went from 48 degrees to 80 degrees. They had a very outdoor life. We also need to be able to identify the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Peloponnesus, Athens, Sparta, Crete, Asia Minor, Macedonia. This is shown in the map below. Greece is a mountainous peninsula surrounded by water. Thus, Greece did not have much land for farming. This led to the need of trading in order to get supplies to provide for the people. Greece would not survive if isolated, because these supplies are necessities to sustain life. Greeks were sea fairing people. Although Greece may be small in size, they are huge in influence.  


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